This is the time of the year when YouTube becomes my best friend. Not really of my own free will, but out of childish bad habit. There never really is enough news to quench my insatiable, and often unhealthy, thirst for everything KU Football, regardless of the time of year, but this is heightened tenfold in the summer, so I always spend a few hours here, a few hours there, a few days here, a few days there, watching, re-watching, and re-re-watching highlights from years past. Yeah, I've got problems. Un-diagnosed OCD. Call me a doctor.
For the team, though, this summer will be spent in the weight room and on the hill, improving strength and conditioning. What time is not spent in those two loci should be spent committing the playbook to memory. It is an uphill race against Father Time for the players and coaches, but for us fans, Spring Ball is over, and fall camp is still a few months out. Here are some questions that we have right now, heading into the hiatus, and the answers that I anticipate are disclosed come August.